The Michael McCarthy Scholarship Fund grew from the tragedy of Mike’s accidental death on September 10, 2004. The McCarthy family chose to memorialize Mike’s life through the awarding of scholarships. In 2005 two high school scholarships were granted. One award was given to a graduating Middletown High School senior, remembering Mike’s graduation from MHS in 1995. The other was awarded to a Tiverton High School senior remembering Mike’s time as a special education teacher and coach at THS. Each award was one thousand dollars.
The McCarthy Scholarship Fund is a 501© (3) non-profit corporation. Funds for the scholarships are generated from donations made in Mike’s memory, an annual fall mailing, and an annual summer golf tournament. Because of the hard work and generosity of the community and many family friends, The Michael McCarthy Scholarship Fund has grown. Five scholarships are now awarded. In 2011 two students at each of the two high schools were each granted a McCarthy Scholarship in the amount of two thousand dollars. Also in 2011 two students at each high school were each granted five hundred dollars. In memory of Mike’s graduation from Stonehill College in 1999, two thousand dollars was granted to Stonehill College to be given to a qualifying student entering the final year of post secondary education.
The Board of Directors of The Michael E. McCarthy Scholarship Fund is looking to the future. Planning has gone to the development of an endowment to secure future scholarships and to support the plan for expanded giving.
Those interested in donating to The Michael E. McCarthy Scholarship Fund may use the Pay Pal button on this website. If you prefer a more traditional avenue, a check may be sent to:
The Michael E. McCarthy Scholarship Fund
PO Box 665
Newport, Rhode Island 02840